The Methods API of Bootstrap Table.

The calling method syntax: $('#table').bootstrapTable('method', parameter).


  • Parameter: data

  • Detail:

    Append the data to the table.

  • Example: Append


  • Parameter: index

  • Detail:

    Check a row. The row index starts with 0.

  • Example: Check/Uncheck


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Check all current page rows.

  • Example: Check/Uncheck All


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Check a row by an array of values, the params contain:

    • field: name of the field used to find records.
    • values: array of values for rows to check.
    • onlyCurrentPage (default false): If true, only the visible dataset will be checked. If pagination is used, the other pages will be ignored.
  • Example: Check/Uncheck By


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Invert check of current page rows. Triggers onCheckSome and onUncheckSome events.

  • Example: Check Invert


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Collapse all rows if the detail view option is set to true.

  • Example: Expand/Collapse All Rows


  • Parameter: index

  • Detail:

    Collapse the row with the index passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to true.

  • Example: Expand/Collapse Row


  • Parameter: uniqueId

  • Detail:

    Collapse the row with the uniqueId passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to true.

  • Example: Expand/Collapse Row by uniqueId


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Destroy the Bootstrap Table.

  • Example: Destroy


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Expand all rows if the detail view option is set to true.

  • Example: Expand/Collapse All Rows


  • Parameter: index

  • Detail:

    Expand the row that has the index passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to true.

  • Example: Expand/Collapse Row


  • Parameter: uniqueId

  • Detail:

    Expand the row with the uniqueId passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to true.

  • Example: Expand/Collapse Row by uniqueId


  • Parameter:
    • filter - An Object of filter Default: {}
    • options - An Object of options Default:
            'filterAlgorithm': 'and'
  • Detail:

    (Can used only in client-side) Filter data in the table. There are multiple ways to filter:

    • Leave the options blank to use the and filter.
    • Set the filterAlgorithm (see at parameter) to or to use the or filter.
    • Pass a function to the filterAlgorithm (see at parameter) to use a custom filter.

    Filter Algorithm

    • And
      • Filter {age: 10} to show the data only age is equal to 10. You can also filter with an array of values, as in: {age: 10, hairColor: ['blue', 'red', 'green']} to find data where age is equal to 10 and hairColor is either blue, red, or green.
    • Or
      • Filter {age: 10, name: "santa"} to show all Data which has a age of 10 or the name is equals to santa.
    • Custom
      • Filter by your Custom algorithm
      • Function parameters:
        • Row
        • Filters
      • Return true to keep the row and return false to filter the row.
  • Example: Filter By


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Get the loaded data of the table at the moment that this method is called

    • useCurrentPage: if set to true, the method will return the data only on the current page.
    • includeHiddenRows: if set to true, the method will include the hidden rows.
    • unfiltered: if set to true, the method will include all data (unfiltered).
    • formatted: get the formatted value from the defined formatter.
  • Example: Get Data


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Get the loaded data of the footer at the moment that this method is called

  • Example: Get Footer Data



  • Parameter: show

  • Detail:

    Get all rows hidden, and if you pass the show parameter true, the rows will be shown again. Otherwise, the method only will return the rows hidden.

  • Example: Get Hidden Rows


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Return the options object.

  • Example: Get Options


  • Parameter: id

  • Detail:

    Get data from the table, the row that contains the id passed by parameter.

  • Example: Get Row By Unique Id


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Get the current scroll position. The unit is 'px'.

  • Example: Get Scroll Position


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Return selected rows. When no record is selected, an empty array will return. The selected rows will be unselected while some actions, e.g., searching or page change. If you want to maintain the selections, please use maintainMetaData.

  • Example: Get Selections




  • Parameter: field

  • Detail:

    Hide the specified field column. The parameter can be a string or an array of fields.

  • Example: Show/Hide Column



  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Hide the specified row. The params must contain at least one of the following properties:

    • index: the row index.
    • uniqueId: the value of the uniqueId for that row.
  • Example: Show/Hide Row


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Insert a new row. The params contain the following properties:

    • index: the row index to insert into.
    • row: the row data.
  • Example: Insert Row


  • Parameter: data

  • Detail:

    Load the data to the table. The old rows will be removed.

  • Example: Load


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Merge some cells into one cell. The params contain the following properties:

    • index: the row index.
    • field: the field name.
    • rowspan: the rowspan count to be merged.
    • colspan: the colspan count to be merged.
  • Example: Merge Cells



  • Parameter: data

  • Detail:

    Prepend the data to the table.

  • Example: Prepend



  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Refresh/reload the remote server data, you can set {silent: true} to refresh the data silently, and set {url: newUrl, pageNumber: pageNumber, pageSize: pageSize} to change the url (optional), page number (optional) and page size (optional). To supply query params specific to this request, set {query: {foo: 'bar'}}.

  • Example: Refresh


  • Parameter: options

  • Detail:

    Refresh the table options.

  • Example: Refresh Options


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Remove data from the table. The params contain two properties:

    • field: the field name of remove rows. If $index is not in your fields, you can use this special field $index to remove rows by row index.
    • values: the array of values for rows that should be removed. If you use the special field $index, you can pass an array of indexes.
  • Example: Remove


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Remove all data from the table.

  • Example: Remove All


  • Parameter: id

  • Detail:

    Remove data from the table, the row that contains the id passed by parameter.

  • Example: Remove By Unique Id


  • Parameter: text

  • Detail:

    Set the search text.

  • Example: Reset Search


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Reset the Bootstrap Table view. For example, reset the table height, the params contain:

    • height: the height of the table.
  • Example: Reset View


  • Parameter: value|object

  • Detail:

    • value
      • Scroll to the number value position, the unit is 'px', set 'bottom' means scroll to the bottom.
    • object
      • Scroll to the unit (px or rows (index starts by 0)) Default: {unit: 'px', value: 0}
  • Example: Scroll To




  • Parameter: field

  • Detail:

    Show the specified field column. The parameter can be a string or an array of fields.

  • Example: Show/Hide Column



  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Show the specified row. The params must contain at least one of the following properties:

    • index: the row index.
    • uniqueId: the value of the uniqueId for that row.
  • Example: Show/Hide Row


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Sorts the table by the specified field. The params must contain at least one of the following properties:

    • field: the field name.
    • sortOrder: the sort order, can only be ‘asc’ or ‘desc’.
  • Example: Sort By


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Resets sort state of the table regardless of whether caused by the user or programmatically.

  • Example: Sort reset


  • Parameter: index

  • Detail:

    Toggle the row that has the index passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to true.

  • Example: Toggle Detail View



  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Toggle the pagination option.

  • Example: Toggle Pagination


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Toggle the card/table view.

  • Example: Toggle View


  • Parameter: index

  • Detail:

    Uncheck a row. The row index starts with 0.

  • Example: Check/Uncheck


  • Parameter: undefined

  • Detail:

    Uncheck all current page rows.

  • Example: Check/Uncheck All


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Uncheck a row by an array of values. The params contain:

    • field: name of the field used to find records.
    • values: array of values for rows to uncheck.
    • onlyCurrentPage (default false): If true, only the visible dataset will be unchecked. If pagination is used, the other pages will be ignored.
  • Example: Check/Uncheck By


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Update the specified row(s). Each param contains the following properties:

    • id: a row id where the id should be the uniqueId field assigned to the table.
    • row: the new row data.
    • replace (optional): set to true to replace the row instead of extending.
  • Example: Update By Unique Id


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Update one cell. The params contain the following properties:

    • index: the row index.
    • field: the field name.
    • value: the new field value.

    To disable table re-initialization, you can set {reinit: false}.

  • Example: Update Cell


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Update the specified cell(s). Each param contains the following properties:

    • id: row id where the id should be the uniqueId field assigned to the table.
    • field: field name of the cell to be updated.
    • value: the new value of the cell.

    To disable table re-initialization, you can set {reinit: false}.

  • Example: Update Cell By Unique Id


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Update the field title of the column. The params contain the following properties:

    • field: the field name.
    • title: the field title.
  • Example: Update Column Title


  • Parameter: formatName, text

  • Detail:

    Update the localizations format text.

  • Example: Update Format Text


  • Parameter: params

  • Detail:

    Update the specified row(s). Each param contains the following properties:

    • index: the row index to be updated.
    • row: the new row data.
    • replace (optional): set to true to replace the row instead of extending.
  • Example: Update Row